PT. Pool Advista Finance, Tbk.
Established on May 21, 2001 under the name PT Indojasa Finance based on a deed made before Paulus Widodo Sugeng Haryono S.H., Notary in Jakarta, and has received approval from the Minister of Law & Human Rights R.I. dated 9 July 2001 and has been announced in BNRI No .: 79, TBN No. 11836, October 1, 2002.
Investment Financing
Rate 20%
Working Capital Financing
Rate 20%
Multipurpose Financing
Rate 20%
Sharia Financing
Margin 20%
Summary Minutes of Extraordinary PT....
Jakarta, 29 Oktober 2024 Jakarta, October 29, 2024 Nomor : 093/NOT/X/2024 Kepada Yth. Number : 093/NOT/X/2024 Dear Sir Hal : Ringkasan Risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa ...
Alert !!!
Beware of Fraud in the name of marketing agent PT. Pool Advista Finance, Tbk which asks prospective customers to pay the costs so that the financing can be processed. PT. Pool Advista Finance, Tbk does...
Summon Of Extraordinary Egeneral Meeting...
SUMMON OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS PT POOL ADVISTA FINANCE Tbk The Board of Directors of The Company hereby invites the Company’s Shareholders to attend the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("Meeting") which will...